,·´″```°³о☆ [第3世界]/♨ 中東...!

漫步人生 - [일렉...아라비] - Natacha Atlas - I Put A Spell On You...

♥ VajraYana ♥ 2008. 3. 14. 08:34

 I Put A Spell on You - Natacha Atlas

Ayeshteni (2001)

Natacha Atlas

               I Put A Spell on You



I Put A Spell on You - Natacha Atlas

I put a spell on you
'Cause you're mine
You'd better stop the things you do
I ain't lyin'
Lyin' lyin'
I can't stand it
You're runnin' around
I can't stand it when you put me down
(part in Arabic:
I put a spell on you)
Because you're mine
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You'd better stop the things you do
I ain't lyin'
Lyin' lyin'
I love you
(part in Arabic:
I love you)
I love you anyhow
And I don't care if you don't want me
I'm yours right now
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine


이스라엘과 이집트인 부모 밑에서 태어나 벨기에에서 성장한 일렉트릭. 아라비 가수. 이집트 혈통의 모로코 출신 월드뮤직 스타, Natacha Atlas는 인디 일레트로니카의 여왕으로 불리우는 가수이다.

Ethnic Fusion 일렉트로닉 집단 Transglobal Underground에서 활동한바 있는 그녀는 아랍음악의 뿌리에 유로 팝과 테크노가 섞인, 정말로 독특한 음악세계를 보여주고 있으며 그녀의 음악을 들으면 마법사의 주술을 듣는 착각에 빠진다. Natacha Atlas의 네번째 솔로 앨범이다.

인디 일레트로니카의 여왕으로 지금까지도 군림하고 있는 나타샤 아틀라스의 베스트 컬렉션 음반. 그녀가 그간 발표했던 클럽/댄스 계열의 음악 파일들과 부다바 스타일의 에스닉한 멜로디, 앰비언트 성향의 고요한 곡들이 서로 조화롭게 어울리며 앨범의 음악적 완성도를 한층 배가하고 있다. 명곡 ‘Etheric Messages’, 시원스러운 비트감이 일품인 ‘Sobek on the Prowl’, 신비스런 아랍의 향취가 몸을 감싸는 ‘Therapeutic Space’, 클럽산 댄스의 정수를 들려주는 ‘Meetings With Reconciliation’ 등을 통해 나타샤 아틀란스의 무한 재능을 쉽사리 감지할 수 있다.

Natacha Atlas (it's her real name) is of Egyptian ancestry - her family moved through Palestine from Meknes in Morocco some generations ago. She was born in an Arabic quarter of Brussels, and spent some time in Northampton as a teenager before returning to Brussels. After being involved in a number of short-lived projects, she found her way into Transglobal Underground's multi-cultural troupe at the beginning of the 90s, bringing her vocals to their riot of tonal colour, as well as contributing the raq sharki (belly dance) techniques that she learned as a teenager into the band's live performances. For the last five years, she has been concentrating increasingly on her solo career, and spending as much time as possible in Cairo, strengthing her bonds with her roots, immersing herself in shaabi, Egypt's indigenous bluesy pop music, and writing songs in Arabic. She brings this unique array of influences to bear on her music not simply by patchworking them together, but by synthesising them into something thrillingly new. She has made four albums as a solo artist - Diaspora (1995), Halim (1997), Gedida (1999) and Ayeshteni (2001).


I Put A Spell on You (July 1, 1968)

Creedence Clearwater Revival (C.C.R)

                I Put A Spell on You



I Put A Spell on You (January 1, 1965)

Nina Simone

                 I Put A Spell on You


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